Mild hypoglycemia can make you feel hungry or like you want to vomit. You could also feel jittery or nervous. Your heart may beat fast. You may sweat. Or your skin might turn cold and clammy.
Moderate hypoglycemia often makes people feel short-tempered, nervous, afraid, or confused. Your vision may blur. You could also feel unsteady or have trouble walking.
Severe hypoglycemia can cause you to pass out. You could have seizures. It could even cause a coma or death.
If you have symptoms of low blood sugar, you need to eat or drink something with sugar in it. For example, you could eat raisins, graham crackers, or candy. You could also drink skim milk, regular (not diet) soda, or fruit juice. You may also take glucose tablets
If mild or moderate hypoglycemia isn't treated right away, it can turn into severe hypoglycemia. People with severe hypoglycemia usually pass out. If you pass out, someone should call911 right away.Does a person that is experiancing low blood sugar experiance personality changes?
The most recognisable signs are sweating and shaking. Other tell tale signs could be blurred vision, dizziness, etc. It also depends on the seriousness of the hypo (low blood sugar). I personally sometimes get a little confused or talk noncense, but everyone is different and like i said it depends on the severity.
The best thing to do is talk to the person who is diabetic and get them to explain to you what you should do in the event of a hypo. All being well, the person having the hypo will recognise the symptoms and be able to test the blood sugar and do what they need to get the levels back up. But there's always the risk of a more severe hypo, so anyone who is diabetic should always inform friends and family about what they should do in this case.
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