Monday, June 6, 2011

Is it possible to change ur personality ?

i ve been tryin so hard lik change the way i walk, talk my facial actions

tryin to be more agressive so hard but sum how i still *** back to being me. is ther something i need to do Is it possible to change ur personality ?
Yes, I changed mine to Pauly Shore years ago.

Chicks dig me now.Is it possible to change ur personality ?
i wanna know too!

i thought i was the only one...

good luck with that.
Have ';Determination';, ';faith'; and ';confidence'; in yourself and what you are doing ( the change in your personality )

And yeah it is possible to change one's personality....ofcourse !

Try Try Try but never Cry.

Believe me ... changing your personalities takes many days and hard work. I am telling you all this because it is my personal experience... Even i changed my personality from being a shy girl to a confident and friendly one !

Changing your personality might take months and a lot of dedication but if you keep on trying and not lose hope, I'm sure you will succeed...I mean this.

All the very best !
u should have lots of confidence , good self -esteem be polite i learn from a previous relationship i wasn't going to put up with my ex boyfriend 's weird ways ( now he looks goth and i am not goth) so i learned myself to have confidence and good self -esteem and the path will lead u just like it did to me peace!
It's possible but it's not easy. I used to yell a lot. I grew up with my mother yelling a lot. One day I was yelling and I saw my young son actually flinch. I realized what it was doing to him and I remembered how it felt when my mom yelled. I immediately sat my son down and apologized and told him I would try to change, but that I would probably screw up sometimes and he would have to be patient with me. I asked for his forgiveness. And now he can't remember that I used to yell. We have a great relationship. He tells me everything about his life and we are the best of friends. That would not have been possible with the way I used to be. My entire life has changed and everyone says I seem happier and easier to talk to. I love it. You just have to make a conscious choice and find out what is holding you back. If it's the places you go, stop going there. If it's the people you hang out with, stop hanging out with them. Make some changes.

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