Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Brain cancer and personality change?

My mother has brain cancer (GBM, stage 4).

Her surgery was a year ago -- a piece of the tumor is still there, but has remained stable according to MRI's she gets every 3 months or so.

Recently, she's had a BIG TIME personality change. She screams and cries every time someone talks to her. She's paranoid that someone is going to steal her things. When she does something she considers wrong or stupid, she punches, slaps or pinches herself as punishment.

What do I do now? She refuses to let one of us call one of her doctors. I called a friend of hers who is a therapist, and she refused to talk with her. She calls herself a stupid baby, and tells us she doesn't deserve any help. I'm so frustrated -- I just don't know how to help her.

If anyone out there has any good ideas, please let me know. If you know of any good brain cancer support group message boards, please post links.

Thank you!Brain cancer and personality change?
This must be very distressing for everyone. I would think her personality change is to do with the Cancer, I would go to your doctor yourself and tell the storey and ask what you can do to help your mother and yourself during this difficult time.

There are many support groups out there - here is a web search link:

http://www.google.com/search?q=Cancer+suBrain cancer and personality change?
Cancer in the brain, or any other type of brain damage, can cause changes in personality. Your mother may also be suffering from mental illness either separate from, or as a reaction to, the cancer.

You indicate in your question that your mother has refused to talk to professionals about what she's going through. She may be in denial, not emotionally ready to deal with her condition. Even though she is refusing to do so, you and the rest of your family should get counseling to help you deal with the situation. (You could talk with her doctors, but because of privacy laws, I don't know how much they will be able to tell you.)

Support Groups: Check with your local hospitals and doctors office, and contact the American Cancer Society to see where there are support groups in your area.
my husband had a personality change after some strokes...the doctor said it was a chemical change, not his fault....so obviously with cancer, it must be even worse...Have you tried the yahoo health groups for support? I am in one for my thyroid cancer. I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through. Please make sure you take care of yourself. this stressful time can really do a number on you as well. peace.
Call her Doctor anyway! If she won't go willfully, then she needs to be taken against her will. She need to get treatment. Get in touch with Social Services or your local Hospital may help you. Her Doctor should help but, if he won't I would go elsewhere. I hope everything goes O.K.
I am so sorry you are going thru this. It sound like steroid psychosis. Steroids are our best and worst friends with BT treatments

My husband is a long term survivor. The best links and support groups I have found . The link below is to a site you can join and talk to others in your situation.



is a site that can lead you many place. To support groups, info sites for treatment options, etc.


is a site written by a wonderful lady who lost her father to GBM. It has lots of info from what to expect beginning to end. it also has a place that discusses what to expect when the end is near,what signs and symptoms, etc. You my not need to read that now but Diane has helped so many of us with this site. It also has link to other groups and to support groups.

We have a caregivers group you might like to join,Its a place where you can vent and even rage and every one understands.

My name is Lynn and I;m in Florida.
Linda R's answer is very true, You may also consider that if all the tumor was not removed, it may have now grown and touching on the part of the brain which deals with the emotions, or perhaps on the medulla. When the medulla is involved, personality changes like this often occur - violence agression emotional outbursts. Try to encourage her to return for a check up. Best to leave it untill her vulnerable moment when shes saying that she acts as tho shes a baby. You may then suggest to her that perhaps she can visit her gp?
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