before i got pregnant i used to be really laid back and understanding of other peoples daft actions and thought processes. i would always empathise with everyone and never get frustrated at anything anyone did. but i was uptight with my husband and got mad at him easily and felt very let down by him.
now things my husband does don't bother me very much at all but i am always yelling at the telly and other peoples stupid behaviour on it and get wound up so easily by people i don't know being ';prats';
this has been a gradual change since i got pregnant. i'm now 40 wksDo you think that i will go back to how i used to be or is this a permenant personality change?
For one thing you are extremely tired. The fussing that you are doing is normal.
Think about it: Before you gave your husband hell and put up with other people's actions. Now, you are pregnant and you are being relaxed and loving with the father of your child, while others that before you were okay with doing silly things now irritate you. See a pattern?
Hubby is okay: he's your picked mate and you are having your child with him.
Other women, friends that are always goofing off now irritate you. By acting childish they irritate you. You fuss at things you think are stupid because you are being instructed by your hormones to be a mother, except they are kicking in a little early, so you are trying to mother people that you can't control. That is why you are so irritated when they don't do what YOU as a mom say they should.
I say Bravo, dear! You will be a ';Mama Bear'; to your child! Just try not to smother him and don't push Dad out of the picture. You will see a look on his face when the child you've both made is born that you probably haven't seen since your wedding! Pure love..and Dear, don't worry. The getting upset at the TV is a norm. Sometimes (like me) you never stop doing it. Just try not to give away any movie endings...I did. A lot.
Just settle down, believe me you are not going just feels like it!! LOLDo you think that i will go back to how i used to be or is this a permenant personality change?
its your hormones
dont worry about it, hope all goes well with your imminent arrival
Usually being pregnant does bring about new personality changes from the hormones that come along with being pregnant and from the stress that comes along before during and after it. Of course its not permenant, you have the power to change yourself. If this continues you might want to consider seeing a counslor who will help you sort out your problems and even find the root of this change.
omg! i have this! my daughter is 2 now! i had completly changed! i used to be bubblely and upbeat and really mad and random! now i feel like i have aged 40 years and i cant tollerate anything! I had to leave my bf as he drove me up the wall he could'nt do anything right! going to tesco was a chore! i just generally hated being in public! haha! its funny looking back BUT i know its because i was unhappy in my relationship! He was 10 yrs older than me and i did'nt think it mattered but it did! i was'nt behaving like anyone my age at all! i was wound really tight and never let my hair down, i didnt joke or do anything random or impulsive! I have now been without him for a few months and my friends are brining me back out into myself! i have decorated my room like its lived in and more like a person my age, so im comfortable etc. . . Me and my daughter as sooo close now and when im talking to my friends and people online they all say how funny and random i am again! im back! 3 years of being a right ***** with a stick up my **** and im back!
What im trying to say is that it probably may just be your hormones and i would'nt worry about it too much. If it is something u feel u cant shake off go and see a doctor, i had depression (non postnatal) for a year but there is nothing your friends and family cant bring you out of! your body is going through such a lot it will be your hormones making u irritable. dont worry, the real u will be back soon enough. xxx
You ain,t seen nothing yet, wait till when you have to piss out the watermelon, better start exercising those muscles and practising your screams now, rather than worrying about those ';prats';.
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