Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Personality change with strokes and also a brain stem tumor. How do I deal with this?

Yep, it is me. I am only 55 yrs old and I am stunned that this has happened.

I have a rage in me. I have been a mellow person most of my life. I have been a patient person, now I want to throw a fit and I have.Personality change with strokes and also a brain stem tumor. How do I deal with this?
Contact your physician, symptoms of personality changes need to be investigated. You may require medication to regulate your brain chemistry and only a physician can determine what steps to take next.

Good luck,

TexPersonality change with strokes and also a brain stem tumor. How do I deal with this?
Live Your Life Like You Did Before, It Made You A Mellow And Patient Person And No Matter What Happens You Should Be Happy That You Lived The Life You Did Or Else You Will Start Wishing That It Never Happened And It Will Cause Way More Stress For You.

Here Is Something For You To Look At Every Morning To Help You Get Through Your Day:

Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keep You Humble, Success keeps You Glowing,

But Only God keeps You Going!

You are so special!

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