Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Personality change after our first child.?

My wife just gave birth to our first child 6 weeks ago and he's absolutely adorable. My wife on the other hand is acting more and more strange by the day. We've been married for almost two years now and together for over 6, and I've honestly loved every minute of it. She's the most fantastic person I've ever met and I love her dearly. Since the little lad arrived though she's began to change a bit. When he first arrived, I struggled with his screaming. Crying I can handle, but the red face screaming was untolerable. Mainly because I knew he was trying to tell me something wasn't right, but also coz it's irritating (it's supposed to be!) The first time I realised she was acting strange was when I was trying to put him into his car seat one day. We were supposed to be meeting somebody, but he'd needed feeding so we waited, but he hates being put into his car seat and when I was strapping him in he was absolutely screaming like crazy. She went to get herself sorted out to go, and I kept on at trying to get him strapped up, but he was wriggling like crazy. Meanwhile I was desperately trying not to react to his screaming and just get on with the task in hand. Next thing I knew, she came in the room and shouted at me for something that had nothing to do with me and accused me of messing around and making us late.. Today I was feeding him from a bottle she'd prepared and half way through feeding him realised she hadn't screwed the lid on properly and some of his milk had leaked out. Bearing in mind, I'd just got out of the shower and was now soaked through and sticky as hell (how come breast milk is so sticky? Can I ask more than one question in one question?) as was he. She then has a go at me for simply saying that I'll have to go for another shower. As I leave the room, she gives me a bottle of milk she'd just expressed to take through to the kitchen and put in a pot. As I was walking through the kitchen the handle came off and I dropped the bottle which wasn't a problem as the milk is inside the bottle and untouched. She flew off the handle and stormed off upstairs with the baby.

My sister in law was around the other day and commented on my wife having ';baby brain';. To start off with I was relieved that someone else had noticed and it's not just me picking up on my wife doing bizarre things (she's normally very well organised and sensible), but then I wondered if something is actually going on with her and if this is normal.

Anyone?Personality change after our first child.?
Sounds pretty normal for new parents. She may or may not ever really go back to being her old self like being organized and such who knows babies can change a lot of people. However if you love each other which I think you do you will get through it because it will get easier if nothing else.

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