Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How to fake a personality change?

?!? ... why would youHow to fake a personality change?
hahaha just be really happy and then all of a sudden start to scream and yell then cry lol that would be hilariousHow to fake a personality change?
Pick a person that you know pretty well, a family member, friend, teacher.. even a movie star and take on their personality. Say what you think they would say, do what you think they would do etc. Thats the easiest way, I assume.

But just an fyi.. u don't need to ';fake'; a personality change. Your perfect just the way you are. If you want to change your personality for the better, than do so.. but don't ';fake'; it. If you do, thats what people will see you as.. fake. maybe not right away, but eventually it always happens. Be happy with who you are, and others will be too :)

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