Monday, November 22, 2010

Have you been able to change your personality?

I know our personalitieis are formed earlier -- but I have seen some people who were able to change -- have you had such success and how do you do it without slipping back?Have you been able to change your personality?
I can tell you of two ways a person's personality can really, trully change. First, and this is from personal experience, moving out into a new setting and reforming your life entirely. I'll explain... Last summer I had just gotten out of high school and wasn't the most talkative person to have around. I had my beliefs, I had my favorite music, I had my style, ect. Then I moved away to college. Away from home, from my mom, from the every day life I used to live. Everything changed. I developed new friendships, I had to keep the room clean without being told to do it, I had to make sure my homework was done, I had to communicate with people on a different level. This past year away at college has really changed me into a completely different person. I'm more carefree and don't care as much what people think of me among other things. I think one of my friends who's also my ex was the one impacted the hardest by my change and he's seen it begining till end. According to him I'm a completely different person now.

The second way is going through a very tragic event. This one I witnessed with my friend mentioned above. It was just after we had broken up. Things had been really tough on both of us but he got hit with it more than I did because he didn't want the break-up at all. He went through an incredibly hard time and by the time he had pulled himself together again and we started talking I saw that he had somehow changed. He suddenly had become confident in himself more and decided that it was about time for him to take control of his own life. It's really a tragedy in itself that a person has to go through a downfall in life to be able to change for the better but that's the way it works.

As for slipping back into your old self... Don't look back on the past. If you become a better person from your experiences then look to the future instead and forget who you were back then. I was fairly shy and not very talkative throughout my school years but I've changed and now I gotta try and make this as short as I can so I don't write you a novel %26gt;.%26lt; If you really have changed and are not just trying to act like someone you're not then there isn't any way you can really return to who you were. Once you change yourself trully you don't have to worry about trying to keep up pretenses or any of that nonesence. You have the new you so you can just be this new self and it won't change. Changes like that are incredibly rare but do happen a select few times in everyone's life. Hope this answers it.

~*~FirEdhel~*~Have you been able to change your personality?
I think it really depends on a lot of factors. For some people, going through a really extreme experience can be enough to shake us up and start to look at our lives/the way they're going. It depends on our ever changing beliefs/values=what our life was formed around.
i think it just depends what you're involved in... before I would joke around more and now i tend to be more considerate or understanding since i'm involved in clubs and advising people...
Personalities are formed by what surrounds us (people,media,creed etc.). People unconsciously draw good and bad attributes of the people they are around with, so that is one of the way of personality formation.

To your question; Yes i have been able to change my pesonality which is not easy at all. One has to find one's own personality that come with us as a ';package'; in our birth, God gives us that gift of being different of everyone including our twin(if the case). So to change your personality you have to first find it, you will find attributes that you like, other that you don't and others that you are not certain about.

Now the ones that you will know that are the ';pure'; ones, are the ones that have been the mix of other attributes for istance.

The thing is that these ones will be the ones that will make you grow, feel good, and ';fight back for you';.

In my personal oppinion i have ditto other people i admire and others i have to envy, but i have understood that i can borrow their attributes but as long as i am myself, and not wanting to be anyone just myself, have my own personality.

In my case i want to follow Jesus Christ steps but that doesn't mean that He does not want me to find my own personality.

Try to find your own personality and then change it for good.

People can change. It depends on the environment around the person and his old personality.

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