Why did personality change and how do i fix it ?
Post partum depression and stress in the household/job can add to these feelings. I felt the same way at 19 w/ a new baby, mean husband and horrid job. At 32 w/ a new baby, great partner and a degree in what I love, my attitude changed and I find things so much easier to brush off. Age and circumstances help in the ability to change your thoughts and actions. Be careful %26amp; ask for help if you need it. Always remember the special little person in your life who truly only wants to make you smile!!!!!!!!!Why did personality change and how do i fix it ?
I wrote this or something similar to another lady and maybe it will help:
Have you forgotten that you have control over your own thoughts and actions? You have a mind to reason things out. You make the choices of how you act and talk. You are choosing to act out. It doesn't matter why you do it-it is what it is. You can stop it when you decide it is not acceptable for you to behave that way any longer.
Be gentle with yourself. Think before you speak. Concentrate on what you are saying while you are being sarcastic. Listen to yourself and you will soon know the answer. Don't try to analyze your actions-just do the right thing.
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