Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Will my Kitten's Personality change as an adult?

I have a kitten that is 6 month old or so. He's so cuddly and needs/wants attention all the time. (He even comes when I call). I really want his personality to stay that way.

I was wondering if this is probably just a phase (like how children become more independent when they become teenagers), or is this just his personality and should see this attitude even through his adult hood.Will my Kitten's Personality change as an adult?
Unlike people, cats basically keep the same personality their whole lives (unless there is a major negative event in their lives). We had a bratty, aggressive kitten that turned into a bratty, aggressive cat--only to get worse and bitter after her ';big brother'; was hit by a car, which she witnessed.

Make sure you really condone that personality! Give him all the attention he wants. Though the personality won't go away, he might be a bit more hesitant if he thinks he's being annoying... :-)Will my Kitten's Personality change as an adult?
no he should stay pretty much the same he may be less energetic as he gets older and less enthusiastic but as long as u dont do anything taht would make him stop loving u he should always be affectionate
It's true that cats' personalities mature, just as ours do. But in my (considerable) experience, if you cuddle a kitten constantly, he will grow up loving that kind of attention. I think the more independent cats that don't like to cuddle typically grew up without that kind of handling. Then, as an older cat, they don't welcome the sudden change in their human's behavior. So you keep cuddling, and he will probably keep loving it.
He'll stay the same, but less active. Our two pretty much behave like they were as kittens, but with the added fact that there is two kind of changes things. They now have to share space, toys and us. We had one for 4 years before we got the second one.
If he is that cuddley now I imagine he will stay the same. He might possibly become even more laid-back and snugglier as he matures (as long as you have had him neutered). My male cat is very much like that, and the older he has become, the more attention he wants...he just loves to sit on me and sleeps with me.
no they will probaby stay the same because i have a cat named felix and he is 2 years old and he is still as lovable as ever.
I think so. I have cats that were really play ful at kittens but now that they are grown ups there much more calm.
If you continue to treat him as you have been, I would say his personality shouldn't change and that the current situation will only get more in depth as he grows into an adult.
Definitely, they are like kids. Right now they are crazy and playful but as they get older they will slow down and get set in their ways.
cats do change when they go outside,but mine are really cuddly at night
Yes, your cat's personality should stay the same, unless of course there is some major change that causes some sort of stress (as one poster mentioned: the cat became bitter and aggressive after witnessing its brother being hit by a car) in its life.

A big thing you definitely want to keep watch on, however, is with age they do tend to get a bit lazier/lethargic/less energy. So for that, I would recommend putting him on a senior cat's diet which they have special foods for. But other than that, he should really stay the same.
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