Monday, November 22, 2010

How can I change my personality?

It seems like everyone is more mature than me.

I try so hard to be myself but it doesn't seem anyone likes my personality except for my close friends.

I don't want to change everything about myself, I just want to be more mature.

:)How can I change my personality?
Start taking on more responsibility and give yourself goals. You can't change your personality though. You'll always be you.How can I change my personality?
This is gonna sound cliche, but you shouldn't change who you are... Even though you may not be as mature as other people, who cares. Eventually, on your own time, you'll develop maturity and I think it's great that you have close friends that accept you for who you are... So my advice: Don't change your personality : ) Hope I helped in some way : )
cuz ure close friends know the true you and would like you for who you are, you dont have to change your personality cuz it'll be hard and when its time for you to mature it'll just happen automatically
dont worry about changing yourself. A few years ago, I felt the same way, but gradually through experience I felt i socially and physically matured. but honestly, if you arent true to yourself, no one else will be, even your close friends. In time and with experience you will mature.
in school if u take care of ur responsiblities and at home and everything that ur suppose to do then ur responsible enough cuz durning scholl and when i'm out with my friends i act like a 5 year old cuz its fun to let go of ur self and not be all ';mature'; and act like a grown up but even if u r be a kid

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