Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How long does it take for a puppy to heal after getting spayed? Will her personality change?

I have an 8 month old, 6-7 pound female Shih Tzu. I have decided to get her spayed... her appointment is tomorrow. She is my first dog so I honestly know nothing about it. How long does it normall take a puppy to recover from the surgery? And I have heard that personalities change after getting fixed and I've also heard that isn't true. Which is it? Thanks for any help in understanding this!How long does it take for a puppy to heal after getting spayed? Will her personality change?
It may take 2-4 weeks for her to heal since she is small. Her personality won't change as long as you continue to provide as much comfort, love, affection and attention as she is used to if not more. Do not handle her or pick her up a lot the first few days. And watch she doesn't get too excited and jumpy. This is surgery and she will be a little out of sorts the first few days too from the anesthesia %26amp; meds. A good vet will provide you with her care instructions. Good luck!How long does it take for a puppy to heal after getting spayed? Will her personality change?
She will be a little groggy the afternoon you pick her up but by the next morning she should be pretty well back to normal. You will just have to watch for excessive licking of her stitches. And check it for oozing and stuff.

But from personal experience I have had no complications from spaying or neutering a dog. And their personality shouldn't change any....especially in a Shih Tzu. If anything ,if she is hyper ( which mine is ) she may calm down a bit but she won't become a couch potatoe
I have a Jack Russell. I had her spayed and yes the first day she was out of it due to the sedative they gave her but the next day she was trying to play with the other dogs, running and jumping about. It was cute because she was trying to be careful of her stitches. My dog is naturally hyper but her personality didn't change. She's still a ball of playful energy.
it will take the dog about a week to recover. just make sure she doesnt jump or run w/in that week. when you go to pick her up the doctor will give more details. also, you need to return her to get the stitches taken back out.

sometimes when a dog is spayed they become a little calmer. not a big deal as faar as personality issues.

if you come up with any more questions dont be worried, ask your veterinairian tomorow at the appointment!

good luck to your little puppy.
My female dachshund's personality did not change after spaying. It took about two weeks for her to heal %26amp; get back to running %26amp; normal exercise. With male dogs, neutering can make them less territorial which people see as a change in personality. It isn't really the personality that is changing, just the natural drive to mark territory.
We just had our 10 month old Husky spayed yesterday and picked her up last night. She was a bit docile and appeared like she was a bit drunk. We were told that she might not be able to hold down food, which was right. She did throw up late last night.

The good news is that she is almost herself today. I have had other dogs in the past and have never experienced and personality changes.

Please don't worry about anything
I have a pomeranian who has been spayed, a good estimate of time for her to heal would be 1-2 weeks. The vet will normally give it a pain killer of sorts, but you will probably see a slight personality change. The dog will be a little less active, etc, but not as much of a change as a male dog would have.
It could take about a week or so. She just needs to sleep, and stay calm. No rough play or excitement. Her personality will most likely change, she should be calmer, and more settled. It reduces hormones, and should help her be less excitable.
It does not change her personality. She just sleeps for a couple of days and then she's fine.

Even boys don't change personality, infertility doesn't cause a loss of sex drive, just ask men that have been fixed.
I would say about a week and a half. Best thing you can do is try to do something that they like, like belly rubbing, etc. She'll be a bit mopey.
She will be a little sore on her underside from the surgery. Also some animals gain weight. But in the end she will be fine.
Personalities don't change.. She'll be feeling fine in a couple of days.. A few weeks of no jumping etc and she'll be back 2 normal.
it doesn't take long. maybe a month at most and honestly the puppy's personality might change. they tend to become more loving and less aggressive
Umm make sure she doesnt run for a week or so. and she will be less active when shes healed, mostly because she isnt as....whats the word....horny
well for a week or two my dog was all depressed and layed around all day, but she returned to normal after that
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